• Musings

    Becoming Elizabeth: Vulnerability and the Visitation

    How reflecting on the Visitation taught me that it’s okay to let myself be loved. “Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth.” Luke 1:39-40 It had been another long day. I had been working from home for a few months, and my oldest was acting particularly three in response to our new routine. I had lost my patience and snapped at…

  • Bookish,  Catholicism,  Musings

    5 of the Best Books About Catholicism to Ignite Your Faith

    A collection of the best books about Catholicism to inspire you to live your faith authentically and passionately. Y’all, I m so excited to be talking about two of my all-time favorite things: Catholicism and books! In this case, specifically, the best books to learn about Catholicism! What could be better, right?? I converted to Catholicism on April 19, 2014. My journey to the Church was long and arduous, but it was the greatest decision I ever made. Even seven…

  • Catholicism

    My Catholic Conversion Story – Part III: Coming Home

    The Final Chapter of My Story of How I Converted to Catholicism. Welcome to Part III of my conversion story! If you have not read Parts I and II yet, head over to my last two posts and catch up on my journey from Agnosticism to Catholicism. Last Week, On “How I Met Your Mother (Church)“ Let’s dive right back in, shall we? I had abandoned whatever shreds of faith I had left and settled for agnosticism in the heat…

  • Catholicism

    My Catholic Conversion Story – Part II: Enter Catholicism

    Welcome, dear reader, to Part II of my conversion story! Thank you for joining me as I reminisce on my journey from an angsty agnostic to a Catholic convert. In Part I, I talked about my religious upbringing and gave a little insight into the messier parts of my home life. Part II will dive a little deeper into the events leading up to my decision to convert and the Mass that changed my life forever. The End of the…

  • Catholicism,  Entertainment,  Musings

    Finding Jesus in the Everyday: Music Edition

    I have a confession… I’ve never been a fan of praise and worship music. There, I said it. *This post contains Amazon affiliate links.* Even as a child, I often found myself rolling my eyes whenever my sister would blast the local Christian station on her portable radio. I thought it was cheesy, repetitive, and pandering. Compared to the emo bands and David Bowie standards playing from my own headphones, praise and worship felt like an absolute waste of time…

  • Catholicism,  Liturgical Living

    How I Reclaimed My Lent as a Busy Mom

    How I Wanted My Lent to Go…and How It Actually Went. I remember the Lent before I was baptized into the Church so clearly. I prayed my first-ever 54-day Rosary novena. I finished up all of the requirements and assignments for RCIA. I stopped eating meat altogether and kept adding new goals to my already very long list of penances. I studied saints and agonized over which one I would choose as my Confirmation saint. After a very long and…

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