• Catholicism

    My Catholic Conversion Story – Part II: Enter Catholicism

    Welcome, dear reader, to Part II of my conversion story! Thank you for joining me as I reminisce on my journey from an angsty agnostic to a Catholic convert. In Part I, I talked about my religious upbringing and gave a little insight into the messier parts of my home life. Part II will dive a little deeper into the events leading up to my decision to convert and the Mass that changed my life forever. The End of the…

  • Catholicism

    My Catholic Conversion Story – Part 1: The Beginning of the End

    Part 1 of the story of how I went from being agnostic to Catholic, and all the moments that made my conversion possible. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I am a convert to Catholicism. I was Baptized, Confirmed, and received my First Holy Communion on April 19th, 2014. To celebrate, I’m finally taking the time to write down my conversion story. From the moment I started this blog, I knew that I wanted to tell this story eventually. Even…

  • Catholicism,  Entertainment,  Musings

    Finding Jesus in the Everyday: Music Edition

    I have a confession… I’ve never been a fan of praise and worship music. There, I said it. *This post contains Amazon affiliate links.* Even as a child, I often found myself rolling my eyes whenever my sister would blast the local Christian station on her portable radio. I thought it was cheesy, repetitive, and pandering. Compared to the emo bands and David Bowie standards playing from my own headphones, praise and worship felt like an absolute waste of time…

  • Lifestyle,  Motherhood,  Our Domestic Church,  Raising Saints

    From the Desire to Ignore My Needs, Deliver Me, Jesus.

    “The woman is at the heart of the home. Let us pray that we women realize the reason for our existence: to love and be loved and through this love become instruments of peace in the world.“St. Teresa of Calcutta I am a mother of two little boys. My house is full of trucks, sports equipment, and toy weapons. A portable bassinet and changing table take up most of the walking space in our bedroom. Our dining room is currently…

  • Liturgical Living,  Feeding Future Saints,  Recipes

    The Perfect Meatless Recipe for Lent

    Skip the cheese pizza and feed your family this easy and delicious meatless meal this Lent! Growing up, my family was not religious. We never observed Good Friday or attended Easter services. It wasn’t until I met my cradle Catholic husband that I was introduced to the concept of Lenten traditions. One of those traditions was eating “Ollie Oil” on meatless Fridays during Lent (Aglio e Olio in Italian). I’ll be honest, liturgical living is not my strong suit, even…

  • Musings,  Bookish

    3 Beautiful Books for National Tolkien Reading Day

    As the title of my blog may have suggested, I love me some Tolkien. March 25 is Tolkien Reading Day, the memorial of the day the One Ring was destroyed (it’s also the Feast of the Annunciation). So, in honor of Tolkien Reading Day, I’ve put together a little list of some of my family’s favorite books, either written or inspired by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. This post contains Amazon Affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying…

  • Catholicism,  Liturgical Living

    How I Reclaimed My Lent as a Busy Mom

    How I Wanted My Lent to Go…and How It Actually Went. I remember the Lent before I was baptized into the Church so clearly. I prayed my first-ever 54-day Rosary novena. I finished up all of the requirements and assignments for RCIA. I stopped eating meat altogether and kept adding new goals to my already very long list of penances. I studied saints and agonized over which one I would choose as my Confirmation saint. After a very long and…

  • Musings

    Welcome to Musings of a Catholic Mama!

    A blog for moms, Catholics, nerds, and everyone in between. If you’ve been searching for solidarity, community, and a few laughs along the way, you’ve come to the right place. Who Am I? My name is JuliaMarie. I’m a Catholic convert, wife to a D&D-loving accountant, and mother of three little hobbits. I’m a Florida girl living in the mountains of Western North Carolina. I like my drinks strong and my coffee stronger. I’m a wanna-be chef, and I hold…

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